Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My New Year's Resolution!!!

0 Apples
I will study smart during my degree & get a good result.
I will be a good daughter, loyal girlfriend & supportive friend.
I will start to plan for my future sake.
I will start to save my money more.
I will try to reduce my shopping addicted.
I will try to become a better person that mom & dad can be proud of.
I will want to decorate my room so that my room will have a new look.
I will have a better life & healthier in the future.
I will start to eat a lot & DRINK A LOT OF PLAIN WATER. Since I don't like it so much!!!
I will travel to a lot of places as long as I can afford it.
I will make a lot of new friends. A REAL ONE!!!
I will become someone that other people will think twice before they want to take any advantage to me or do something bad to me.
I will become a stronger person.
I will try to do something different or something that new to me.

This is my to-do-lists!!! How about you???


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is Alphabetical!!!

1 Apples


Accepts you as you are,
Believes in you,
Calls you just to say "Hi",
Doesn't give up on you,
Forgives your mistakes,
Gives unconditionally,
Helps you,
Invites you over,
Just to "be" with you,
Keeps you close at heart,
Loves you for who you are,
Makes a difference in your life,
Never judges,
Offers support,
Picks you up,
Quiets your fears,
Raise your spirits,
Says nice things about you,
Tells you the truth all the time,
Understands you,
Values you,
Walks beside you,
eXplain things you don't understand,
Yells when you won't listen,
and Zaps you back into reality

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru Bagi Umat Islam!!!

2 Apples
Alya ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1431 kepada semua umat Islam seantero & tidak lupa juga kepada keluarga dan kawan2. Oleh itu, Alya kongsikan doa Akhir tahun dan Doa Awal Tahun Hijrah untuk di baca bersama2.

Doa Akhir Tahun. Dibaca 3 kali pada penghujung waktu Asar, sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib.

Doa Awal Tahun. Dibaca sebanyak 3 kali selepas solat Maghrib.